Holiday Deals Ionic Detox Foot Spa - Detoxification Ion Health Care Cleanse

Holiday Deals Ionic Detox Foot Spa - Detoxification Ion Health Care Cleanse

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Best Price: $495.00
Ionic Detox Foot Spa - Detoxification Ion Health Care Cleanse
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Ionic Detox Foot Spa - Detoxification Ion Health Care Cleanse

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Ionic Detox Foot Spa - Detoxification Ion Health Care Cleanse

Ionic Detox Foot Spa - Detoxification Ion Health Care Cleanse
Product Description
Ionic Detox Foot Spa, the Stainless Steel is made in the USA. Beware of cheap imports using steel contaminated with lead, mercury, cadmium, you could doing more harm than good all in the name of saving a few dollars. Quality costs. The amount of steel, the type of steel, and the shape lend it to be very long lasting. Compare the other ionizers that wear out after 10-15 uses or only a few hours of use. This was made for the SPA industry to last a long time. Compare the replacement cost. If it costs $50 for 40 uses, and that is $500 for 400 uses. The Ionic Foot Spa from Salus per Aquam, Inc. has been tested for over 400 hours. You can get 1,600 uses compared to only 40 uses from other brands on the market. This device is much more powerful and usually 15 minutes is enough for most people.It is not only about the quality, the initial cost, but it is in the replacement, that is where the others get you.The Ionic Detox Foot Spa has been used by health practitioners, spas, salons and individuals with high levels of success in cleansing and energizing applications. The simple non-invasive and relaxing bio-charge produced in the water has a positive effect on a wide range of conditions. Common results of this wellness treatment include detoxification, reduced inflammation, shortened recovery time, improved liver, kidney and colon function, as well as improved sleeping patterns. It is typical to feel relaxed and have heightened mental clarity after a single session, but cumulative effects of multiple sessions provide a lasting long-term benefit.Don't forget to charge up your drinking water! Yes place a bottle of water in with your feet. 15 minutes later the water inside the bottle will taste different. I eliminated 20 pounds in just five months by drinking the energized water. Not the feet water, the water inside a closed container. The energy goes right though the glass into the drinking water. The charge lasts about two days.Features
  • Bio-electric field enhancement book, owner's manual, articles as .pdf on CD
  • Foot tub with 20 tub liners
  • AC/DC UL approved power source
  • Doubler, doubles the life of the ionizer
  • Stainless steel replaceable ionizer unit

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