Cheap Max B-ND 8oz -Premier Research Labs

Cheap Max B-ND 8oz -Premier Research Labs

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Max B-ND 8oz -Premier Research Labs

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Max B-ND 8oz -Premier Research Labs
Max B-ND 8oz -Premier Research Labs
Product By : Premier Research Labs via A La Carte Wellness
List Price : $119.99
Today Price : CHECK NOW

Max B-ND 8oz -Premier Research Labs.
Product Description
Ingredients:1/2 Teaspoon Contains:Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Bifidobacterium Species (breve ss. breve, infantis ss. infantis, longum), Enterococcus Species (faecalis TH10, faecium), Lactobacillus Species (acidophilus, bulgaricus, casei ss. casei, fermentum, helveticus ss. jagurti, plantarum),Streptococcus therm.Thiamin (Vitamin B1, Thiamin Cocarboxylate) . 1.7mgRiboflavin (Vitamin B2 as Riboflavin-5-phosphate) . 1.7mgNiacin (Vitamin B3 as niacinamide) . . 25mgVitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5, pyridoxamine-5, Phosphate) . 2.6mgFolate (5-methyl, formyl tetrahydrofolate) . 417mcgVitamin B12 (5-Deoxyadenosylcobalamin) . 6mcgBiotin (D-biotin form) . . 300mcgCoEnzyme A (End-chain Vitamin B5) . 2.6mgPABA (Para Aminobenzoic Acid) . . 15mgInositol (Inositol Hexanicotinate) . . . . . 110mgFeatures
  • Max Stress-ND is an industry first!
  • It contains a high-energy, end-chain, living B vitamin complex derived from live sources for high cellular resonance - never before available.
  • Each 1/2 teaspoon supplies high energy end-chain forms (the form ready to use by the cell) including B6 as pyridoxal, pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, B5 as Coenzyme A, folic acid as 5-MTHF and 5-FTHF and much more.
  • This vitamin-rich formula offers advanced support for the liver, immune system, heart, brain, and adrenals, while promoting high energy and mood balance.
  • Many people say they can feel the effect of this product the very first time they take it.

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