Holiday Deals FaceMaster Platinum, Facial Toning System

Holiday Deals FaceMaster Platinum, Facial Toning System

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FaceMaster Platinum, Facial Toning System
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FaceMaster Platinum, Facial Toning System

Product By : Life Extension
List Price : $300.00
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FaceMaster Platinum, Facial Toning System

FaceMaster Platinum, Facial Toning System
Product Description
Item Catalog Number: 01054 There are over 22 individual muscles in the human face. Within them lies the secret to looking young despite the passage of time. The wrinkles, lines and sagging skin that come with aging largely result from the gradual weakening of the muscles underneath the skin. Keeping the facial muscles firm and toned smoothes the skin to restore a naturally youthful look. In an unprecedented collaboration, Suzanne Somers has teamed up with one of the worlds leading engineers and a top-flight medical specialist to bring you an optimal toning experiencefor lifelong beauty. The FaceMaster Platinum is an easy-to-use, patented toning system that individually stimulates each facial muscle group, firming those areas that normally suffer the ravages of time. Its revolutionary technology reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. No expensive spa treatments. No deadening injections. No invasive surgical procedures. In just minutes a day, the FaceMaster Platinum Smoothes forehead wrinkles Improves brow line Diminishes dark circles and crows feet Plumps cheeks Softens puppet lines Turns up smile muscles The makers of the FaceMaster Platinum have taken a $12,000 piece of medical equipment, found exclusively in high-end beauty spas, and miniaturized it into a home unitat a fraction of the cost. Its sleek, efficient design allows for portability and easy storage. Take it anywhere and use it anytime. The FaceMaster Platinum sends a microcurrent of electricity that provides safe, gentle stimulation to the 22 muscles of the face. The result of over 15 years of research and testing, its new Advanced Wave Technology produces a light electrical pulse that optimally tones each muscle group. The FaceMaster Platinum also features Eye and Face treatment modes, providing different levels of stimulation to accommodate the delicate areas around the eyes. An LCD display

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FaceMaster Platinum Facial Toning System Life Extension Shop There are over 22 individual muscles in the human face. Within them lies the secret to looking young despite the passage of time. The wrinkles, lines and Suzanne Somers FaceMaster Platinum Facial Toning System Reviews ... Suzanne Somers FaceMaster Platinum Facial Toning System reviews. Find Facial Treatment reviews at Buzzillions including 29 reviews of Suzanne Somers FaceMaster ... Facemaster Facial Toning System: Beauty You know that you should tone your muscles, but have you ever thought about the muscles in your face? Suzanne Somers has, and that's why she want you to know about ... Suzanne Somers FaceMaster Facial Toning System FaceMaster replaces ... Buy Facemaster Facial Toning System Wholesale: Suzanne Somers 1 Beauty Secret for a more youthful, ageless look - The FaceMaster really works. Customer Reviews: FaceMaster Platinum, Facial Toning ... 5 stars. "You have to try it to believe it...." I was skeptical about this product for a very long time and finally just decided to try it. Being in my early 40's and ... Facemaster Facial Toning System LIVESTRONG.COM Facemaster Facial Toning System. The FaceMaster Facial Toning System is a product sold through infomercials and home shopping channels. The actress Suzanne Somers ... Suzanne Somers FaceMaster Facial Toning System at Shop Suzanne Somers FaceMaster Facial Toning System, read customer reviews and more at FaceMaster Platinum Facial Toning System FaceMaster Platinum Facial Toning System Item Catalog Number: 01054. There are over 22 individual muscles in the human face. Within them lies the secret to looking ...


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